cuma mau nambahin..

beberapa% gain anda bisa diselamatkan bila pakai indikator teknikal (macd)

mending cuan lebih sedikit tapi hati tenang, daripada mengharap cuan banyak
tapi hati gundah gulana
*What is Stress ?  *

There are many different definitions of stress. Some define stress to be a
disturbance of a person's normal psychological or physiological state.
Others consider stress to be a situational factor or distressing
circumstance external to the person. Some use the word "stress" as a term
equivalent to "arousal" and "activation"; it is also used as a term for "bad
effects". The many different definitions of stress have caused a great deal
of ambiguity and confusion about the subject. When reading an article,
listening to a lecture or participating in a discussion about stress, be
sure the definition being used is clear.

One of the most useful definitions of stress is as follows: Stress is an
internal process that occurs when a person is faced with a demand that is
perceived to exceed the resources available to effectively respond to it,
and where failure to effectively deal with the demand has important
undesirable consequences. In other words, stress is experienced when there
is an awareness of a substantial imbalance between *demand *and *capability*,
under conditions where failure to meet the demand is perceived to have
unwanted consequences.
Demand = ingin cuan.. banyak
Capability = No way, you can't control the market
Solution = Get along with them (trend follower). MACD is a very good TA tool
for trending stocks.

Mudah mudahan di milis ini tidak banyak yang stress, uang bisa dicari tapi
umur kan enggak. Kurangi judi, perbanyak investasi.

Kembali ke INCO = MACD buy signal. Buy it now.

Sekilas info on MACD

MACD di rti ada, hots ada, stock watch ada, di yahoo finance ada. Di pake
donk. Mau cuan gak boleh males :) Kalau males, titipin aja duitnya ke bandar
lewat Reksa Dana Saham. Cuan 15% - 50% setahun sih dapet, hehe..


On 6/15/07, B Narayana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  INCO sedang marching menuju ke atas lagi, krn kebutuhan nikel tetap gede
banget utk pabrik pabrik yg bikin baja tanpa karat. Ga ada gantinya ampe
sekarang yg cukup baik.

Bagi users spt kontraktor toh tinggal dibebanken aja ke klien di backup
dng data data bhw memang ada kenaikan.

Lha masa gw lagi bikin komplek apartmen terus ga jadi gara gara nikel
naik? Emang berapa persen sih pengaruhnya ke COGS gw.
Booming infrastruktur spt di Indonesia utk menggerakkan sektor riel tidak
bisa di tunda. Gitu juga di negeri negeri spt Afrika, Timur Tengah,
Australia dll.

JAdi omong kosong lah kalau gara gara nikel naik terus pabrik baja stop
Duren monthong waktu off season tetap laku. Hukum nya minta ama nawar aja
cing susah refot amadh.
Jadi udahlah Inco dikekepin aja ampe akhir taon.

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