he..he..betul sir,..bikin bingung aja tuh ML,..apalagi ada analis OD yg 
mengatakan indeks bakalan ke 1500,..rasanya tuh orang udah ga di riset 
lagi,..udah lengser keprabon jadi staf biasa

Lee Cwan Yeuw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            When you have ANTM portfolio.. you can dream the price will be 4200

When you are ML... target price for ANTM 4200

Making Love ini bikin bingung INVESTOR AJA !!!
Mabuk Lagi  ini bikin bingung INVESTOR AJA !!!

sorry........... just kidding

When someone think .. JCI will 1500.. 
He is OD (Over Dosage)

just kidding  
you can dream as Zeus Power - INCO target price 5100 down 90%.
TLKM 1000
SMGR 250



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