boleh nanya ngga bu..    how much do you make in one year ?  50% ? 
200% ?

soalnya saya masih ngandelin reksadana dg 30-50% per year, but 
consistenly, udah cukup puas segitu aja (dibanding effornya yg almost 

investor yg msh ngesot

--- In, "Bettina Tan" 
> That's a very kind of you Pak.. Even after I sell mine, the stocks 
> going up even higher. I just follow what in my opinion is right 
based on my
> personal analysis. I truly believe that I am nothing in this 
market. I bare
> in mind that we can't predict the market future or the way it goes. 
> the unexpected and be prudent with your wealth to be given to your 
child or
> even grand child. When there's an upturn prepare for a downturn and 
> versa, just as simple as that.
> On 10/3/07, Dean Earwicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >    Hehe.. take it easy pak. Mrs Tan is a swing trader (I think) 
not an
> > investor. IHSG has formed a doji after 2 days rally, it's a 
common sell
> > signal for trader.
> >

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