So, besok antm akan lebih mantap! Semoga...
  Tadi yg beli hoki deh. Info saya benar net profit naik 374%.
  Trims Pak Veter!

Veter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
              Dear All,
  Terlampir laporan keuangan ANTM (3Q)
                                      9/30/07             9/30/06             
  Net sales                      8269626.500      3401255.500      143.13 
  Net income (loss)           3831461.750        808839.625     373.69 
  EPS before XO items            401.690              84.798      373.70 
  EPS aft XO items                  401.690              84.798      373.70 
  Fully diluted EPS                  401.690              84.798      373.70
  Semoga Bermanfaat.



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