Take it eazy boss...the war is still on. Just be careful not to get any bullet 
on your back hehehe 

Ksatria Madangkara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:            I mean MONDAY, not 
Sunday. A bit tired, too, REI.
  War is so HOT.

  On 11/2/07, Ksatria Madangkara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Beautiful 
conclusion, Bung REI.
  ANTM's people as usual SOE's character: a bit LeLe + T.
  But this one is 'slow and so SURE'. Not slow and boom, like POLY.
  Hmmm, thanks to TRIO MACAN KUMBANG. So hard work. And key spokesman PtBa: U 
deserve trophy and nice dating with your g.f. tINs coz next Sunday can be 
tougher day.
  Btw, KARK, RALS, TLKM: U seem to want to say something? Go ahead.

    On 11/2/07, Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:             Any stock that has 
been split will eventually (time frame depends, not fixed) come back to the 
pre-SS level. Patience is virtue. Antm WILL be more than 8000...Heck, I am more 
than happy if it goes to 5000. 
Hihihi...hiii....hiiihhiii.....hiihihihihihihiiii.... (LCY's trademark) 

Ksatria Madangkara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:         ANTM Post-Stock Split can 
go to Rp 8.000.
  Just sharing.
  The choice is yours.
  Be patient. It rewards.

  On 11/2/07, abdulrahim abdulrahim <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:             
Ragu nih. Beli sekarang apa nunggu koreksi dulu. Kang Ocoy, dan teman2
lain, ulasannya dong.


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