Thom Yorke > Analyse

A self-fulfilling prophecy of endless possibilty
You roll in reams across the street
In algebra, in algebra

The fences that you cannot climb
The sentences that do not rhyme
In all that you can ever change
The one you're looking for

It gets you down
It gets you down

There's no spark
No light in the dark

It gets you down
It gets you down
You traveled far
What have you found
That there's no time
There's no time
To analyse
To think things through
To make sense

Like cows in the city, they never looked so pretty
By power carts and blackouts
Sleeping like babies

It gets you down
It gets you down
You're just playing a part
You're just playing a part

You're playing a part
Playing a part
And there's no time
There's no time
To analyse

hehe, pada keringet dingin yah...

jangan paniklah.. kecuali mungkin yg margin ato yg beli diatas2
banget.. saya ga punya kapasitas untuk kasih pertimbangan analisa
teknikal ato BA buat market.. tapi should the Stocks falls to the
ground.. stays on mind... kalo ga perlu cut loss ga usah cut loss,
kecuali yg jadi trader krn keluar-masuk bisa cepat dan tepat... kalo
turun dalem dan masih punya duit bisa sambil cari "bargain"an..
on a longer horizon, the world wouldnt fall into Crisis-Yet.. atleast
kondisi sebegini aja blon bakal bikin krisis..

pertegas mental dan investment/trading plan anda.. kalo anda investor,
perpanjang horizon investasi.., dan stick to the "Intrinsic Value"...
the bigger the "margin of safety" the market crash will provide us..
the greater our defense and our harvest result in the future... 

in times like these just dont be panic.. dengerin radiohead en thom
yorke aja sambil siap2in tampung dibawah ajalah..

brace ur heart... Price is what u pay, value is what u get...

--- In, "Dean Earwicker"
> MA5 menembus kebawah MA20.
> This is a very bearish signal.
> Harus benar-benar selektif pegang saham.
> Regards,
> DE

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