Aimee, kalo udah di rumah titip salam buat BK en sodara-sodari yg laen

--- In, "RATU SIMA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mr. JC,
> The last before Aimee go home yah?
> War can inflict significant state budget losses, but not the ruling
> administration.
> However, the country and its people get hurt.
> So far as I'm seeing, the ruler can even get richer and in turn, roll
> the economy silently.
> Why? Coz heavy arms, nuclear, and top guns are EXPENSIVE.
> And this weapon business is not 'A BLACK AND WHITE THING'.
> Udah yah... Aimee mao pulang nonton Cahaya dulu...
> Bye bye.
> Love,
> Aimee

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