Beware the dreaded R word
You don't know whether we're in a recession until months after it starts.
But investing successfully requires looking forward, not backward.

By Allan Sloan, senior editor at large

(Fortune Magazine) -- Everyone and his brother seems to be talking about
recession these days. It dominates every public investment discussion and is
the topic 24/7 on cable TV. But let me tell you a little secret: When it
comes to investing, the question of whether we're in a recession (or are
heading for one) just doesn't matter.

How in the name of Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke and all the other economic
saints and seers can I be so dismissive of something that's attracting so
much attention? Because while the economy obviously matters a lot, both
politically and economically, the "R" word is irrelevant to people who want
to know how to place their bets on the markets.

Gather around the campfire, folks, and I'll tell you why.

It's actually elementary. Investing successfully is about looking ahead,
while determining whether we're in a recession involves looking behind. Way
behind. We won't know that a recession has started until months after it's
begun. And by that time, things in the economy may well be getting better
rather than worse - which might make it a good time to invest.

Now, exactly what is a recession? Opinions vary. Many people think that a
recession is defined as two consecutive quarters in which "real" gross
domestic product - GDP adjusted for inflation - declines. If you accept that
definition, which I don't, you don't find out that a recession is underway
until six months - two calendar quarters - after it has started. (Sorry, too
late!) If you use what I consider the proper definition - a declaration by
the National Bureau of Economic Research's business cycle dating committee
that the economy has peaked - you may have to wait even longer.
Nevertheless, I prefer the NBER version because it's the collective opinion
of seven savvy people rather than a rote formula.

"We wait long enough so that the existence of a recession is not at all in
doubt," Bob Hall, a Stanford business professor who chairs the cycle dating
committee, told me in an e-mail. "We concentrate on finding the date of the
peak in activity, usually at a time the press [has] lost interest in the
question of whether we are in a downturn." Typically, Hall wrote, the
committee makes its call six to 18 months after the downturn started - or
economic activity peaked, depending on your point of view.

I won't bore you with all the grubby details, which you can find for
yourself on One thing that will leap out at you is the contrast
between economic reality and what many people believe. For example,
conventional wisdom is that the devastation wrought on Sept. 11, 2001, sent
the U.S. economy into a tailspin. The reality, according to NBER, is that
the economy was already in a recession, which had started in March 2001 (or,
some committee members now feel, even earlier) and ended in November - two
months after 9/11. The committee, however, didn't announce this until July
17, 2003. By then, the popular assumptions about the effects of 9/11 were
set in stone.

I'm not naive, and I know that the question of whether there's a recession
has enormous political implications for the 2008 elections, which is a major
reason so many of my colleagues in the media are obsessed with it. But we're
talking about investments here, not politics.

I have no idea if we're in a recession or heading for one. Nor do I know
where the market is going over the next few months. If I did, would I tell
you for $4.99 ($5.99 Canadian)? What I do know is that if you want to do
well in the market, you've got to think ahead, not behind. The "R" word
isn't helpful. What you need is the "F" word: foresight.

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