Tidak bermakud SARA, ini saya fwd dari milis OB tetangga (US). Sekedar
mengetahui gimana "kondisi mental" trader US saat ini, yang saat ini saya
perhatikan rada stress berat, cenderung desperate. Poin penting saya bold
warna merah.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jan 11, 2008 6:52 PM
Subject: [stockinvestorsforum] Merrill may write down $15 billion

  End of article- Mid East Asian firms to add capital - no offence meant
but the mislim world is buying more and more of "our" little world .
Ownership means control , to greater or lesser degree . Our enemies
become our "saviors" . Islam is not Japan , I see no comparison with
Japan buying up US stuff in the 80s to what is occuring now . Apples
and ORANGES - Bill

Broker expected to take staggering loss on bad mortgage bets when it
posts results next week, paper reports.
January 11 2008: 6:13 AM EST
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Merrill Lynch is expected to report a
bigger-than-expected $15 billion writedown when it reports its
quarterly results next week, according to a report in The New York Times.

Many Wall Street analysts had anticipated that Merrill would take a
$12 billion writedown due to mortgage-related losses when it reports
results next Wednesday. Right now Merrill is expected to post a steep
loss in the fourth quarter.

As a result of the deep loss, the nation's largest broker is looking
to raise capital from an outside investor, the newspaper said, citing
people who had been briefed on the matter.

* Sources told the Times that the company was in talks with overseas
investors in Asia and the Middle East as well American private equity
firms in an effort to raise $4 billion.

This would not be the first time Merrill looked to outside investors
for help. In December the company announced it had received at least
$4.4 billion from Singapore's state-run Temasek Holdings.*

Merrill Lynch (MER, Fortune 500) shares finished 3 percent higher in
Thursday trade on the New York Stock Exchange. To top of page

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