Masih berusaha juga... :-)
Mudah2an udah banyak yg belajar teori EGP


On 1/12/08, hmin918 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ada titipan email dari elanie buat OB
> hmin cuman forward aja
> Dear fellow traders,
> From the bottom of my heart, I'd like to say that I'm VERY sorry for
> everything I've said in this group. I PROMISE I'll keep my manner from
> now on.Yes I know what I've done here, was doing it on purpose, y'
> know, to get some attention, for good reason. Please take my apology.
> I was putting myself into risk of being hated, because that's my job.
> Nothing's personal. I DO RESPECT ALL MEMBERS HERE, mostly Embah, the
> guardian of retail investors. I told him everything I know, including
> the possible agendas. I did everything I could so you can avoid the
> trap that was being set by the UNKNOWN.
> You may be wondering, why I did that. Well, let's say that's what I'm
> paid for. :) What I was trying to do was to put everyone's attention
> to Agriculture/Plantation sector. I know there are BIG PLAYERS here.
> The more I said It will be bearish, the easier for them to bring the
> price to go up. Just like what Jack Cowok has been doing all the time.
> But that's not the point. The point is to get YOUR FOCUS on it.
> Anyway, this would be my last post, well, until next market crash,
> that'd be around June  :) Just trade safely, and believe only in
> yourselves.
> For those who are wondering, I'm not actually a trader/investor. I am
> a psychologist. For my point of view, the average member here has
> become more resistant to provocation than the last time I was here.
> That's good thing. Who hires me is not your business :) What does a
> psychologist do in stock market? Well, It's actually all about it.
> Psychology. Oh, by the way, the pic were all fake, I think you already
> knew that. LOL.
> C'ya!
> Peace & love,
> Elaine
> + +
> + + + + +
> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
> + + + + +
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