dow semalam jatuh 2 %. australia open minus 2 %. regional bakalan minus.

Citi Loses Almost $10B in 4Q, Slashes Dividend, Gets $12.5B Investment
After Hefty Write-Downs

Wholesale Prices Rise in 2007 by 6.3 Percent, Largest Amount in 26 Years

Retail Sales Drop 0.4 Percent in December, Fanning Recession Fears

--- In, Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *Today IHSG can get down to -3%. What a mess. 2400 in 3 days? -15% in 2
> weeks? LOL why not.. seems lots haven't sell their portos..
> "Shut up, Elaine, you're talking bullshit"
> "I agree with Elaine, bring it ON"
> Some wants IHSG to go bullish all the time. Some wants to have at
> price possible. There're always two sides of the story. Oh, this'd
be the
> last day for CPO and other plantation stocks glory. TAKE PROFIT,
that if you
> have any :)
> Just like Oentoeng said, there will be another entry point.
> EL
> *

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