Permisi Mbah, newbie angkat suara lagi ya,
  Ini beneran March madness ya? 
  IHSG turun, semua kuciwa (kecewa), 
  IHSG naik kenceng, semua curiga. 
  I don't think I'm smart enough to join this stock battle for the time being. 
  Apalagi ada robot-robotan segala. 
  Miss. Elaine, you truly drive me insane. From giving reasonable reasons, now 
you are playing robots. Don't you think you are too old for that? I do like 
you, and may love you if your outlook is exactly like your fs profile, but I 
think I have enough playing robots...
  Sorry mbah n seniors yg lain, bukannya menolak meramaikan BEI, walaupun 
kontribusi tdk terlalu signifikan, tapi keliatannya masih pada belon sepakat 
mau ride bulls or "ride" bears. 
  Sekedar saran,
  Mohon all guys, gals, mates, whoever or "WHATEVER" that have significant 
role, sit down together, talk nicely, hv some snacks and coffee n decide to 
ride bulls or bears.
  Biarkan saya and others juniors wait outside, having a nice chit chat w/ 
coffee and snacks juga.
  Begitu uda sepakat mau naik bulls, saya baru ikutan de, dibarisan plg 
belakang juga gpp. 
  Safety first.
  See you guys at steady, slow, but unstopable rally over 1000+ points as 
promised by the pawang robot. Mohon mbah bilangin ke yg lain jgn suka pada 
gangguin Miss. EL, ntar mainan dia dari robot-robotan jd ke yg lbh aneh-aneh 
lagi. Pls Miss. EL, maenannya mascara, bedak, blush on, seputar itu aja, plg 
mentok IHSG bolehlah....:) Anyway, I'm still waiting for your posts loh. 
  Yg udah nyangkut biarlah nyangkut, ntar someday juga make profit. Rencana avg 
down kayaknya tertunda dulu sementara.

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