ya itu, mereka kaya at expense of "weak-side" macem kita.. sistem 
ekonomi syariah itu adil dan menenteramkan sebenernya kalo 
diterapin., tp susah banget kali yah implementasinya..

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Kosasih" 
> Sistem tidak ada yang sempurna.
> Tapi kadang-kadang kita kurang mengerti esensi sesungguhnya dari 
> EKONOMI kapitalis atau sosialis. Esensinya adalah kadar kebebasan
> perekonomian dan kebebasan dalan berbisnis. Kapitalis cenderung 
diatur agar
> lebih bebas, sementara sosialis cenderung diatur agar lebih "sesuai 
> keinginan mayoritas" (yang belum tentu sesuai dengan kaidah bisnis).
> Sejauh ini, terbukti dari indeks yang dibikin dari badan pengamat 
> dan badan riset kesejahteraan dunia global "2007 Index of World 
> Freedom", negara-negara yang menganut faham kapitalis SELALU jauh 
> makmur masyarakatnya (baik yang bekerja di pasar modal maupun yang 
> dibanding yang menganut faham sosialis.
> Orang-orang miskin di negara-negara Kapitalis pun lebih "makmur" 
> orang-orang miskin di negara-negara Sosialis
> Saya cuma ingat TOP 7 dari TOP 25 yang EKONOMI-nya Paling Kapitalis 
> economic freedom):
> Nomor 1 adalah......... Hong Kong (tetap dihitung "negara" karena 
punya mata
> uang sendiri)
> Nomor 2 adalah......... Singapura (hehehe...)
> Nomor 3 adalah......... Australia
> Nomor 4 adalah......... Selandia Baru
> Nomor 5 adalah......... Amerika (bukan nomor 1 tuh ternyata...)
> Nomor 6 adalah......... Inggris & Irlandia (skor-nya sama)
> Nomor 7 adalah......... Luxemburg & Swiss (skor-nya sama)
> Juga TOP 7 dari TOP 25 yang EKONOMI-nya Paling Sosialis (lower 
> freedom):
> Nomor 1 adalah......... Kuba (paling ancur)
> Nomor 2 adalah......... Libya
> Nomor 3 adalah......... Zimbabwe
> Nomor 4 adalah......... Burma
> Nomor 5 adalah......... Turkmenistan
> Nomor 6 adalah......... Kongo
> Nomor 7 adalah......... Iran
> Di situ jelas terlihat bahwa negara-negara yang paling tidak bebas
> perekonomiannya (bukan pergaulannya) alias yang Paling Tidak 
> perekonomiannya adalah juga yang paling miskin masyarakatnya, 
> sumberdaya negaranya berlimpah-limpah.
> Juga tidak ada hubungannya apakah negara itu bekas jajahan atau 
> Indonesia sendiri bagaimana? Apakah kita sudah benar-benar memiliki
> perekonomian yang benar-benar mendukung dunia bisnis? Silakan teman-
> kaji sendiri.
> Salam OB...
> *Penjelasan soal Economic Freedom silakan lihat di bawah, saya 
kutip buat
> teman-teman OB:
> *
> The "2007 Index of Economic Freedom" displays a color-coded map 
> countries that are free, mostly free, moderately free, mostly 
unfree and
> repressed.
> Guess where one finds the world's most miserably poor people? If 
you guessed
> the mostly unfree and repressed countries, you guessed correctly.
> Some people claim that some countries are rich because of abundant 
> resources. That's nonsense! Africa and South America are probably 
> richest continents in natural resources, but are home to some of 
the world's
> poorest people. By contrast, countries like England, Japan and Hong 
Kong are
> poor in natural resources, but their people are among the world's
> wealthiest. Hong Kong even has to import its food and water.
> Some people use the history of colonialism as an excuse for 
poverty. That's
> also nonsense. The United States was a colony. So were Canada, 
> New Zealand and Hong Kong, but they're rich countries.
> The reason some countries are rich while others are poor is best 
> by the amount of economic freedom its peoples enjoy and the extent 
> government control over economic matters.
> Don't make the mistake of equating economic freedom with democracy. 
> all, India, politically, is a democracy, but economically it is 
> unfree and poor, ranking 104th in economic freedom. There are 
countries on
> the economic freedom index that do not have much of a history of 
> such as Chile, ranking 11th, and Taiwan, 26th, and yet these 
countries are
> far wealthier than some of their more democratic counterparts.
> Why?
> It's because their economic systems are free or mostly free, which 
is not
> guaranteed by a democratic political system.
> The economic development lesson is clear: Have a system of economic 
> and grow rich.
> *Extensive government control, weak property rights and government
> corruption almost guarantee poverty*. A country's institutional
> infrastructure is critical to its economic growth and the well-
being of its
> citizens. *The most critical are protection of private property, 
> of contracts and rule of law.*
> *On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:02 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:*
> Kapitalisme banyak wrongnya Pak.
> Khususnya untuk komunitas NON BARAT ... Bahkan untuk dunia Barat
> juga... someday in the near future
> Yang udah pasti, kapitalisme membuat orang kaya makin kaya, orang
> miskin tetap miskin bahkan makin miskin.
> Tapi memang sampai saat ini belum ada model yang udah PROVEN lebih
> baik daripada capitalism. Komunisme sebenarnya ok. Cuma di 
> komunis itu koq larinya ke "kepercayaan" ya...
> Kapitalisme itu, tinggal tunggu meledaknya aja hehehe...
> >
> > <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>
> >
> >

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