> Commodities Bubble Burst? Big Clue Comes Next Week
> Monday March 24, 3:19 pm ET 
> Investors wondering whether the agricultural commodities bubble 
has burst will get some important clues in next week's annual crop 
plantings report, considered a bellwether for the direction of 
farming activity for the year.
> Analysts are looking for the Department of Agriculture's March 31 
survey to show a decrease in corn acreage over last year's record 
planting, as well as a pronounced increase in soybeans and more 
wheat in the ground. 
> But what those projections will mean for investors remains to be 
seen. Commodity analysts are expecting volatile planting numbers 
this year, with the weather and direction from traders to play a 
major role. 
> Wet conditions in the heartland, for instance, could depress the 
amount of corn acreage, raising its price in turn. Soybeans, 
meanwhile, likely will get more attention this year after losing 
acreage to corn in 2007 due to a sharp increase in demand for 
ethanol. Wheat also will be in flux, its price subject to possibly 
lower demand due to resumption of planting worldwide after a year of 
a supply-constricting global drought. 
> How the three major agricultural products fare is of major concern 
as investors wonder whether the commodity's bullish run of record-
setting prices will continue or has run its course. 
> Run for Oil, Gold at Its End? 
> Other commodities, such as gold, platinum and oil also have seen 
record runs, but there is sentiment that the end may be near. The 
commodities run has been fueled by speculators and those cashing in 
on the weak dollar, the currency in which most commodities are 
> "Planting intentions are very important to how our supply and 
demand balances will look this coming year," said Melvin Brees, an 
agricultural economist at the University of Missouri's Food and 
Agricultural Policy Research Institute. "One of a number of factors 
is the unpredictability of the weather." 
> Corn takes the biggest hit from bad weather, as it needs to be 
planted the earliest of the other major crops. It also does not 
plant well in saturated soil and requires the most fertilizer, which 
has become more expensive as the United States has lost its place as 
the world's primary manufacturer. 
> Continued rainy conditions, or an excessively wet spring, could 
alter the agricultural commodities market dramatically, sending corn 
prices well higher on less supply. 
> "That would create a huge amount of volatility in the markets," 
Brees said. "With supplies as they are, you would probably see a 
sharp market reaction." 
> Despite a record corn planting last year, there was only a slight 
increase in carryover â€" the amount that's left over from the 
previous harvest â€" to the spring. Should corn production drop this 
year, that could make supplies very tight and become a bullish 
indicator for prices. The same thing goes for wheat and soybeans, 
both of which also saw low carryover rates, attributable to surging 
demand from emerging markets across the world.

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