deadliest not yet to come ... 2200 mau dicoba dipersepsikan support 
terkuat...hati2 guys. Ive got a bad feeling about that.

Realized what yuo have got before being eaten.Days still a long way 
to go.

Let the Elephants fight among them.

To Elaine: I still wondering if you can give detail (encrpyted still 
OK) about your message: where the hell Super Extreme Low 
it XXXXXXXXX..???? 

and one morething looks like the natives and locals seems to be lil' 
bit confident or already joined the party???

> Sore ini, level 2230 kembali di TEST (LOW=2221, CLOSE
> = 2237)
> Mudah mudahan Tuhan tidak memberikan kita COBAAN yg
> terlalu
> berat...
> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of 
Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.  

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