> Pendekar si buta dari GOA HANTU masih belum turun gunung karena 
> ada banjir badai di goa tsb.
> Banjir news buruk tapi DOWJ masih hijau. Aneh tapi nyata market
> ini.

SIP : daripada saya

Tidak ada yang aneh tapi memang benar market itu nyata. Karena : SEJARAH SELALU 

Dalam bukunya Being Right or Making Money (Ned Davis) disimpulkan daripada 
kecenderungan sbb :
Over the last 80 years, you'd have made the most money in stocks when corporate 
earnings were falling. 
It's true... When corporate earnings fell between 5% and 20% year over year, 
you'd have made an average annualized gain of 13.1% in stocks. But when 
corporate earnings rose between 5% and 20%, you'd have only made 6%.
In short, you make more money in stocks when companies are losing money than 
when they make money!

Here's another interesting result from the same study: When corporate earnings 
are soaring - growing more than 20% a year, stocks only manage a 2% annualized 
gain. Why is that? The answer is, after companies are growing their earnings at 
20% or more, how can they get better? It's extremely difficult to keep that up.

The moral here is, you want to buy stocks when expectations are low... That's 
when companies can more easily exceed expectations, and their stocks can rise.

Right now, expectations are low. 

The bar is way down, so companies can exceed expectations... And that's what 
causes their stock prices to rise.

Yes, we have plenty of economic "bad news"... but the stock market shouldn't go 
down because of it. The bad news is already priced in. Now the bar is low... 
It's the time when you make money in stocks.

Don't be scared of bad economic news. Instead, know when it's a great time to 
buy... and now is one of those times!


Pada tahun 1907, kejadian JPM "menyelamatkan" salah satu perusahaan yang hampir 
bangkrut dengan dukungan daripada pemerintah (yang mirip dengan yg terjadi 
belakangan ini, dimana JPM membeli BCS) juga pernah terjadi. Dan.. index DOW 
naik menjadi 2x lipat 1-2 tahun setelah itu.
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