Betul tuh. Sudah dimuat di Kompas Minggu hari ini soal penjualan saham
Temasek di ISAT ini.  Pada bulan Desember 2002 ST Telemedia beli 41.94%
saham pemerintah RI di ISAT senilai Rp 5,62 trilyun (Rp 12.950 per saham).
Sekarang mereka jual 40,8% saham ke Qtel senilai Rp 16,8 trilyun (ekuivalen
dengan 1,8 milyar USD atau 2,4 milyar SGD). 




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Peter Alimin
Sent: 07 Juni 2008 20:40
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Qatar Telecom ups Indosat stake to 41 pct


Qtel posted a record profit in the first quarter after buying a
Kuwaiti operator and adding mobile phone users in its home market
where the energy-based economy is surging. (Gulf newsroom, +971 4 391
<> ) - (Recast with statement
details, adds background, share performance)

DUBAI, June 7 - Qatar Telecommunications Co said on Saturday it had
increased its stake in PT Indosat Tbk , Indonesia's second-largest
mobile phone operator, to 40.8 percent in a deal worth $1.8 billion.

Qtel had acquired the stake from Asia Mobile Holding, a subsidiary it
jointly holds with Singapore Technologies Telemedia, the firm said in
a statement.

"We believe that Indonesia is a high growth market for
telecommunications and that Indosat is very well placed to compete in
that market," Chief Executive Nasser Marafih said in the statement.

Qtel Chairman Abdullah bin Saud al-Thani told Doha-based Al Jazeera
television by telephone that the Qatari firm, which previously
controlled 25 percent of Indosat, was now the largest stakeholder.

Qtel said last year it was looking to buy Asian and Arab operators and
licences and expand its fixed-wireless and corporate enterprise data
as it pushed out of Qatar.

The firm's shares rose 5.33 percent this year to last week's close,
underperforming the benchmark , which is up almost 26 percent this
year. Qatar's stock exchange was closed on Saturday.

State-controlled or affiliated Gulf Arab telecom operators have been
expanding abroad as their home markets mature, spending billions of
dollars on acquisitions from Indonesia to Africa.

Indosat said on Friday its subscribers rose 22 percent to 30 million
in the first five months of the year, putting the company on track to
meet its 2008 target.

Qtel posted a record profit in the first quarter after buying a
Kuwaiti operator and adding mobile phone users in its home market
where the energy-based economy is surging. (Gulf newsroom, +971 4 391
<> ))


Jadi, Indosat dibeli ama Qatar di kisaran 7500-7549Rp atau 0.81$/saham


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