hehe isue lama mas,,, dulu juga pernah ada isu kayak gitu waktu BUMI
di 4xxx but the fact?

BUMI malah makin tinggi tinggi dan tinggi karena value BUMI semakin

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "hendrik_lwww"
> Ini cuplikan dari E-Bursa
> "Until May 2008, the company had converted all of the company's 
> conversion bonds I into 1,167,443,053 shares, and today the company 
> has received a notice for converting its conversion bonds II worth 
> US$47.5 million into 137,223,840 shares, so in total the company has 
> used 1,304,666,893 shares for converting the bonds I and II, and the 
> shares have come from the buyback program in 2006. Today, we still 
> have 60,299,107 shares from the buyback program," Srivastava said.
> Kita hutung Yang CDonvertible Bond II aja.
> 45,5 Juta Dollar = 45,5 x 1.000.000 Dollar x 9300 Rp/Dollar = Rp 
> 441.750.000.000
> dikonversi menjadi 137.223.830 Saham 
> Maka kita bagi aja Rp. 441.750.000.000 / 137.223.830 = Rp. 3.219 / 
> Saham
> Ini yang Convertible Bond II lho.. Yang pertama saya nga tau..
> Tapi bayangkan 137 Juta lembar saham = 274 Ribu Lot Seharga 3.200
> Sedangkan harga Bumi Sekarang 8550. Bayangkan saja kalau yang dapet 
> di 3200 ini Profit taking... hmm.. kebayang??
> hm... tolong dikoreksi ya kalau salah...

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