Siap2 harga oil akan stabil di level 100an, rencana di bawah ini sedang 
dijalankan amrik....

Staff,   Post Carbon Institue

On July 17th, 2008, Vice President Al Gore challenged the nation to
produce 100% of its electricity from renewable sources within 10 years.
Post Carbon Institute has responded to Gore's challenge by putting
forward a new plan: "10 Steps in 10 Years for 100 Percent Renewable
Power." The plan shows how we can make Gore's vision a reality, with a
keen understanding of the roles that energy depletion, the
vulnerabilities of the supply chain, and the limits of technology all

Below is a conceptual plan for achieving the goal of 100% renewable
energy by 2018. We will be updating this document with specific
recommendations and additional resources in the near future.

1. Reduce
6. Reinvest

2. Share
7. Relocalize

3. Diversify
8. Reengineer

4. Distribute
9. Reskill

5. Store
10. Remobilize


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