Toeng - toeng, kayanya, hehehe. maaf nih toeng.

Kalo nama ente ngga pake belakangnya H..(which is most likely impossible),

 kayanya anda maaf aja ya, bbsl - which is BIG BULL SHIT LIAR. 


Why I said so? Why? Hehehe

Kebetulan, I know siapa yang terlibat pendanaan BEJO, the real shit owner of

You know shit man.

I can show you the real man shit.  Can you?

Every body that has some fu**in going on with them sealed their mouth .

I should too, but you are really make me ill feel.


Only you shit along..Lu tau ga kontraktor BEJO itu siapa?

Lu pernah Toeng, cari buyer di LA, waktu promosi perusahaan  Bejo?

Komputer bisa ngomong? Emang tu computer lu pasangin camera coy? 

Berapa ratus orang pantau berapa ratus camera sampe tau ada orang comment
khusus you?

I sincerely want to know man. perhaps yours is NASA's / CIA's/FBI's

Paling juga liat chatting / duduk di sebelahnya.

Saya pernah dagang computer juga 5 thnan, dan sekarang walau sudah tidak

Masih mengikuti jugalah dan tau ampe dimane perkembangannya


That's why all your talk is like shit floating in the water.

Fact man, fact is all we need.

You ini kayanya freeman, not one of the antek, 

You near some analis shit, and you developed a few reason for glory's sake.


Kalo you think I'm the one bullshitting, why don't you meet me, 

Or via JAPRI, mention your real name and who is you called "kontraktor
tambang BEJO"

I'll check you out.  See if you really knows the truth.


Some of these people really eat your shit man.

If it fits, it's OK.  If not? Who's gonna suffer all the losses? You???
NAAAA. I think not..

Kasian, orang udah pusing lu tambah takut-takutin 


Seperti saya pernah bilang dari 97, saya sudah suntikan dana ke BD.

Saya pernah mentioned pula BT waktu muda, dan saya kasi tau bahwa orang yang
tau BT waktu muda,

Dan sekarang masih hidup (walau agak geloo kale, hehehe) itu bukan orang low

KINi saya kasi tau pula, soal BEJO, saya kayanya tau agak daleman dari you

Not to mentioned about LSIP, dan some more.


Maaf ya, persh. BEJO, saya udah kesal ni ama si Oentoeng.Bagi yang sesame
ilmu, harap jangan marah,

Kasih dikit unforgetable cocolan 


Salam buat JSX consultant, always watch your back man.

Watch your six.  Keep neutral, honest and fair.


S A D A R L A H   B A H W A    A N DA      A D A L A H     K O R B A N    C
O R N E R I N G  BD.





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