postingan kalo lg bearish berat gini lucu" ya.. para peramal akhir
jaman pasti naik market sharenya, rumah ibadah penuh.. hore! paling
enak emang jualan FEAR & jualan GREED! human basic instinct.. sigh!

On 10/2/08, wencen79 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bulan maret yg lalu saya sudah pernah posting ttg hal ini. Mengingat
> semuanya itu sudah mulai terjadi, maka saya posting sekali lagi
> kepada
> semua member OB ttg hal yg akan segera terjadi
> Prophecy by Harold Eatmon
> I Saw the Stock Market Soar and Then Crash
> I had a vision of the stock market's "Big Board " having serious
> upcoming problems. I saw the stock market soar and then crash. After the
> crash, many big business corporations and private parties bought up
> stocks because of the low cost to buy in. Then I saw the market begin to
> climb again in a short period of time.
> Two Black Mondays
> Then it crashed again bringing tremendous loss, ruin and devastation
> to all who bought in the first time. This is what I have labeled
> "Two
> Black Mondays".  The time period between the Two Black Mondays was
> very close together. I could not tell exactly how close. It could be
> a couple of days to a couple of months. There are some telltale
> signs
> indicating the season and the setting. I saw the season to be when
> "the leaves fall to the ground"  then the first crash would
> occur."(tepat sudah terjadi di musim gugur ini  29 sept 08)
> I Saw the Yen and Mark Fall  (sebagai tanda black monday kedua)
> I also saw the Yen and Mark fall dramatically just before this
> sudden
> and inexplicable crash. Like Joseph in Genesis, I believe America
> will have fat years of financial blessing. I also believe there are
> coming lean years of financial difficulty for America. I do not
> believe God is showing this so people can beat the game financially.
> I rather believe He is saying keep your eyes on eternal things.
> Store
> up treasures in Heaven.

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