Pak Yokorusi, jadi solusinya biar US lepas dari krisis ini bagaimana Pak...? 

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Dari: yokorusi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Terkirim: Senin, 6 Oktober, 2008 07:19:44
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Toxic Debt, Collective Error dan Bailout Plan

http://unpublishedd ream.blogspot. com/2008/ 10/toxic- debt-collective- 
error-dan- bailout.html

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Dari pendapat Ludwig Von Mises di buku Human Action: A Treatise on
Economics - saya kutip hal berikut, "The economists were and are still
today confronted with the superstitious belief that the scarcity of
factors of production could be brushed away, either entirely or at
least to some extent, by increasing the amount of money in circulation
and by credit expansion."

Sejalan dengan argumentasi dari Ludwig, ada sebuah artikel di
Washington Post dari James Grant edisi 5 Oktober yang saya
rekomendasikan untuk dibaca, artikel ringkas tapi padat dalam mengulas
situasi krisis keuangan dan ekonomi di US. Judulnya adalah Bad
Medicine, berikut adalah kutipan beberapa paragraf yang menarik untuk

"Low interest rates, easy money and malleable accounting rules are
what plunged Wall Street into crisis. Yet it is low interest rates,
easy money and malleable accounting rules that top the list of federal
fixes. The unifying theme of the new bailout bill, all 451 pages of
it, is the hair of the dog that bit you."

"But inflation and debasement are the very policies being put in
place. The Federal Reserve, not waiting for Congress, embarked last
month on a radical program of money-printing. Reserve Bank credit --
the raw material of bank lending -- is growing at the year-over-year
rate of 61 percent."

"Credit creation is the Fed's signature crisis-management policy: Let
a bubble inflate, then watch it burst; clean up with lots of dollar
bills. After the stock market broke in 2000, then-Fed Chairman Alan
Greenspan set about easing policy. In company with Fed Governor Ben S.
Bernanke, the man who wound up succeeding him, Greenspan warned
against "deflation." He vowed that this country would not sleepwalk
through a decade of falling prices, as Japan had done. Rather, the Fed
would push interest rates low enough to jolt the U.S. economy back
into prosperity."

Ada beberapa pesan yang ingin saya sampaikan terkait dengan postingan
saya terdahulu mengenai pembelian toxic debt.

Pertama, bailout plan yang telah disetujui oleh Congress tidak lepas
dari manuver politik yang lazim dikenal dalam teori political economy
ataupun global economy. Seperti disampaikan oleh Willem Buiter di dalam artikel Corporate governance in the financial sector:
state share ownership yaitu, "It is clear that, throughout the
observable universe, most banks and many other highly leveraged
financial institutions are deemed to large, too interconnected or too
politically connected and sensitive to fail. Indeed, even financial
corporations masquerading as units of non-financial corporations (GE
and GM come to mind) may well fall into this category. One way or
another, the tax payer is on the hook for the banks, the AIGs and GEs
of this world."

Sehingga tidak aneh bila bailout plan dengan polesan sweetener
berhasil disetujui Congress. Tapi indeks Dow per Jumat kemarin
memperlihatkan bahwa market justru memberikan negative signal terhadap
hal tsb.

Kedua, keputusan untuk membanjiri market dengan mencetak dana baru
(baca: kredit baru) bukanlah barang baru di US. Tulisan Grant diatas
cukup mewakili sikap otorita keuangan US saat ini yang memang lebih
memilih injeksi likuiditas sebagai alternative terbaik utk
"menyelesaikan" masalah (yang saya baca sebagai menunda masalah ke
masa datang bukan menyelesaikan masalah saat ini).

Ketiga, saya setuju bahwa pada akhirnya pasti ada hal positive yang
dihasilkan oleh implementasi bailout plan tsb. Namun seberapa besar?
Pada kenyataannya yang dibeli adalah toxic debt - dimana nilai aktual
dari collateral yang menjadi dasar valuasi CDO dan produk derivative
lainnya telah jauh dibawah nilai proyeksi disaat pembentukan produk
tsb. Lebih ironis lagi, collateral tersebut telah kehilangan cash flow
dalam belasan bulan terakhir. Jadi sebenarnya apa yang dibeli oleh
pemerintah US? Bila demikian, dapat dibayangkan siapa penerima benefit
tertinggi dari injeksi USD 700 billion tsb. Bila sang penerimapun tahu
bahwa ekonomi tetap akan terdorong ke bawah, apa yang kira kira mereka
lakukan dengan dana tersebut?

Coba simak yang satu ini dari Rex Nutting di TWSJ "The U.S. recession
will be "significantly deeper" than they previously thought, Goldman
Sachs economists predicted Friday in a research note. The economy will
probably show no growth at all between the middle of 2008 and the
middle of 2009, with gross domestic product falling 2% this quarter
and 1% next, they said. Two other quarters will show 0% GDP growth.
The unemployment rate will likely rise to 8% by the end of next year
from 6.1% currently. "We now also see at least another 100 basis
points of monetary easing from the Federal Reserve, aggressive
measures to stabilize the money markets, and a possible further easing
of fiscal policy under a new administration, " wrote Jan Hatzius and
his team of economists."

Keempat, mempertegas kenyataan bahwa masalah di US bukan sekedar
kesulitan likuiditas tetapi kerusakan semi permanent di dalam sistem,
berikut adalah kutipan dari ahli ekonomi favorit saya - Roubini "This
is indeed a cardiac arrest for the shadow and non-shadow banking
system and for the system of financing of the corporate sector. The
shutdown of financing for the corporate system is particularly scary:
solvent but illiquid corporations that cannot roll over their maturing
debt may now face massive defaults due to this illiquidity. And if the
financing of the corporate sectors shuts down and remains shut down
the risk of an economic collapse similar to the Great Depression
becomes highly likely.

So what needs to be done? Even several hundreds of billion dollars in
emergency liquidity support to the financial system by the Fed and
other central banks in the last week alone have not been enough to
stop the seizure of liquidity in interbank markets and the shut down
of financing for the corporate sector as counterparty risk is now
extreme (no one trusts any more in this crisis of confidence even the
most reputable and trustworthy financial and corporate counterparties) ."

Socrates Rudy Sirait, PhD
http://unpublishedd ream.blogspot. com/


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