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Japan looks for new ways to boost economy
Thursday October 9, 4:23 am ET

By Yuzo Saeki

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso sought new ways to
stimulate the economy on Thursday, as a 14.5 percent dive in machinery
orders provided further evidence the global financial crisis is
pushing Japan into recession.

Tokyo has already prepared an $18 billion stimulus package. But, a day
after major central banks staged coordinated rate cuts to kick-start
financial markets, Aso asked his ruling party to consider compiling
another one.

"It is extremely unclear how financial market developments will affect
the real economy, and we need to respond to it," Aso told reporters.

Lawmakers of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party met to discuss such a
package, which may include loans for small firms and corporate tax
cuts, and vowed to hammer out new measures by the end of this month.

The world's second-largest economy has so far proven more resilient
than Europe and the United States in the face of global financial
turmoil, and its banks have bought into U.S. lenders hit by bad
subprime debt.

The fear is that Japan will suffer as the crisis spreads beyond
banking and markets.

The slide in machinery orders for August reinforced expectations that
Japan is on the brink of recession, after the economy contracted at
its fastest rate in seven years in the second quarter.

"There is a chance Japan's economy may contract again toward the end
of this year and early next year. In this market environment,
corporate revenues and sentiment could worsen further," said Yoshiki
Shinke, a senior economist at Dai-ichi Life Research Institute.

The Nikkei stock average (Osaka:^N225 - News) fell to its lowest close
in more than five years on Thursday, with hopes for new policy steps
warring with concerns over the global economy. (^T - News)

Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda said he was closely
watching how global share price falls affect Asia's emerging economies.

While the worst stage of inflation has ended for many Asian economies,
the global economic slowdown was making a significant impact on the
region's growth, Kuroda told a news conference.


Unlike its neighbors, China, South Korea and Taiwan, Japan has not
joined a round of interest rate cuts by central banks around the
world, part of an effort to contain the worst financial crisis since
the Great Depression.

The Bank of Japan says its rates, already very low at 0.5 percent, do
not need to be cut, though analysts believe it may be forced to move
depending on the reaction of markets.

Japan's fiscal policy has almost as little room for maneuver as its
monetary policy, given the dire state of public finances.

Aso said he was not planning to issue deficit-covering bonds to
finance the new package because of budget conditions, although he did
not rule out other forms of bond issues.

Japanese media reported the new spending package would be bigger than
the existing 1.8 trillion yen ($17.92 billion) extra budget for the
current fiscal year, which is expected to pass parliament next week.

"Even if the government has to launch fresh economic stimulus
measures, I do not think that additional spending on public works or
interest rate cuts are necessary," said Yasuo Yamamoto, senior
economist at Mizuho Research Institute.

The fall in often-volatile machinery orders was four times as big as
the market had expected, and the third monthly fall in a row. (JPMORD=ECI)

For a graphic for machinery orders, go to:

Machinery orders are a leading gauge for capital spending, one of the
key areas of growth for Japan's economy in recent years as large
exporters geared up production.

Government officials say the economy is either heading toward or
already in recession, which Japan defines as a downturn in the
economic cycle, rather than the more widely used definition of two
straight quarters of economic contraction.

(Additional reporting by Tetsushi Kajimoto and Kaori Kaneko; Editing
by Hugh Lawson)

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