Hi, Aimee...  you're so sweet....
To start with, thank you for the comment...

Second, I don't understand "Trial and true" what kind of pet is that?
Threely, "Prioritize long term impact by saving the current 'right
here right now' process"...
what is the meaning? Sorry I am a bit stupid.... maklum nubie...

> Afternoon Om, Tante, Eyang...
> This is Aimee.
> To avoid confusion over the BIG PICTURE,
> I'll say some short comment.
> The stock market will still GO DOWN & DOWN.
> The total market cap. in the US doesn't even compare the total 
> mounting credit, financial, and housing accumulation.
> Maybe U'd be surprised after knowing how serious the derivatives 
> market has been drinking the blood of US liquidity nowadays.
> It all started with 'home-equity extraction then leading to the whole 
> horrific picturesque...'
> Not even joint forces of UK & US total market cap. can compare closely.
> The avert is WILLINGLY OR UNWILLINGLY redragging all the nutrient 
> resources scattered around the planet.
> And when it still fails...
> Meanwhile, the local market has been thoroughly biased with instant 
> unprecedented policy which resembles 'trial and error', instead 
> of 'trial and true'.
> Standing against the market will NOT in any manner solving any 
> immediate solution and even making the matter worse.
> Please this is my RECALL to get on track and do the right things.
> Prioritize long term impact by saving the current 'right here right 
> now' process.
> YET it's all part of learning.
> Thank you and please please beware...
> Love,
> Aimee

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