Hey Adam

The hippest tech is PM Tiles.

Hit me up on Slack if you want to hack on it together, I reckon it’ll be
fun to implement. Brandon Liu who invented it is a legend!



On Wed, 10 May 2023 at 8:20 am, Adam Steer <adam.d.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hiya
> I have about a gigabyte (maybe 2) of vector data for high resolution
> terrain classifications and features (snow safety related) that I want to
> publish in a way that leaflet/openlayers/cesium based apps can ingest it.
> I also want it to be static - bare http access without a server in the way.
> ...and I don't want to restrict access with a paywall, I want people to
> play with it and figure out if it is useful (donations are always welcome!)
> Currently it's all in .gpkg
> What's the current state of the art in static, over-http vector delivery
> for web apps (or to qgis) that isn't over-fluffy ? (Geojson for example
> blows the size out by a lot). Links to how-to's welcome...
> Thanks,
> Adam
> --
> Dr Adam Steer
> https://iamadamsteer.com
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