# ./configure --with-kernel=/usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-42.X.EL-smp-i686/
# make rhel4_2.6.9-42.X.EL_rpm

The rpms will be in the rpmdir as specified in ~/.rpmmacros.
~$ cat .rpmmacros
%_topdir        /rpmbuild/user
%_tmppath       /rpmbuild/user/tmp
%_sourcedir     /rpmbuild/user/SOURCES
%_specdir       /rpmbuild/user/SPECS
%_srcrpmdir     /rpmbuild/user/SRPMS
%_rpmdir        /rpmbuild/user/RPMS
%_builddir      /rpmbuild/user/BUILD

Brian Long wrote:
Would it be possible to post the src.rpm used to build the RHEL 4 binary
RPMs for OCFS2 kernel modules?  Or could you explain how to easily build
the ocfs2 kernel modules for a Red Hat hotfix kernel?

I downloaded and extracted the ocfs2-1.2.3 tarball and ran "./configure"
with the defaults. It found the hotfix -devel RPM installed.  When I run
"make", it compiles ocfs2 properly, but it does not create RPMs for me
to install.

I found the ocfs2.spec-generic in the vendor/rhel4 directory, but how
can I easily use it to build RPMs for my hotfix kernel?



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