
We have a 9 nodes ocfs2 cluster used for http serving.

Sometimes when we want to reboot one of the nodes, it happens to kernel 
panic at ocfs2 unmount, and after this on all the other nodes some httpd 
processes goes to "D" state, and the system gets loaded.

ps -e -o pid,stat,comm,wchan=WIDE-WCHAN-COLUMN

10187 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10241 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10254 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10255 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10272 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10273 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10274 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10398 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10441 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask 

10452 D    httpd     ocfs2_wait_for_mask

Please tell me what info do you need to provide help to us.

All nodes are CentOS 5.2, ocfs2 1.4.1, we use an DS4700 IBM Storage, 
with Qlogic HBA and MPP driver.

Cristian Gae
Director IT
Netbridge Services
0749 018 817

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