Check /proc/mounts. That's the kernels view of the mounts.

mount looks at /etc/mtab. And ocfs2 1.2 adds and removes
entries /proc/fs/ocfs2 during mount/umount.

Also, see if there are relevant errors in dmesg.

On 06/16/2011 07:16 PM, Neil Campbell wrote:

Hi all,

Not sure what has happened but I am trying to remove a directory that I thought was copied from an OCFS filesystem.

When I try and remove it I get the typical Device or resource busy error.

This is on RHEL 4 update 8 kernel 2.6.9-89.0.26.ELsmp running OCFS2 version OCFS2 1.2.9 Mon Jan 17 07:38:31 EST 2011 (build 5e8325ec7f66b5189c65c7a8710fe8cb)

Running lsof (as root) on the directory returns nothing.

If I do a mount | grep ocfs I get the following (which is what I expect)

 # mount | grep ocfs
ocfs2_dlmfs on /dlm type ocfs2_dlmfs (rw)
/dev/emcpowerq1 on /d00/cfs type ocfs2 (rw,_netdev,heartbeat=local)
/dev/emcpowere1 on /d00/html type ocfs2 (rw,_netdev,heartbeat=local)

However, under cat /proc/fs/ocfs2 there are 3 device entries

ls -l /proc/fs/ocfs2/

dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Jun  9 15:51 120_257
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Jun  9 15:51 120_65
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Jun  9 15:51 120_66
-r--r--r--  1 root root 0 Jun  9 15:51 nodename
-r--r--r--  1 root root 0 Jun  9 15:51 version

But on the other 3 servers in this cluster there are only 2

If I look at /dev for those devices they are as follows

[root@dc-c02b01-app01 log]# ls -l /dev | grep 120 | egrep '257|65|66'
brw-------  1 root root 120,  65 Feb  2 08:16 emcpowere1
brw-------  1 root root 120,  66 Feb  2 08:16 emcpowere2
brw-------  1 root root 120, 257 Feb  2 08:16 emcpowerq1

emcpowere2 should be umounted and doesn't show up when running mount, but it seems OCFS still thinks it is mounted.

So what can I do to release this ?

Many thanks

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