Hello odf users,

I would like to ask you to test the latest sources with your environment as
there had been several updates.

While working on the patch for
over the holiday season, I have started to add several other fixes to it, I
like to mention:

   1. The main fix of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ODFTOOLKIT-413
   The representation of the ODF manifest.xml was held twice at
   run-time. Once as DOM tree and the children of the root element (file
   entries) as well within a hash map for fast access. Those two instances
   were once not in synch. Fixed this.
   2. There was one fix missing for applying the same solution of
   Fix now applied at ..pkg.OdfElement method public Node cloneNode(boolean
   deep) another differentiation of attribute with and without namespace was
   3. When building under Ubuntu, I had to update the
   multi-schema-validator implementation in the pom.xml as the prior was no
   longer able to be downloaded.
   4. As I often work offline, I have enabled the offline build without
   Internet by adding the missing ODF schema
   5. To be able to run/debug only one test from the context menu in
   Netbeans, I had to update the version of the maven-wagon in the pom.xml of
   various projects.
   6. In addition many fixes for the OdfPackage class based on my prior
   work on the fork of Open-XChange were added. Sorry, it was too time
   consuming to split those in a clean way into separate patches, while
   working at the solution and stumbling over and over again of a small
   problem with an easy solution:
      1. Splitting Exception into IOException and SAXException
      2. Applying JDK 5 Generics several times
      3. Removing potential vulnerability: see
      4. Several minor fixes..
   7. Finally, I am sorry there is quite some line changing noise due to an
   accidentally used format function of my Netbeans IDE, which seems to use a
   different format algorithm to the one being used in Eclipse. Does anybody
   have a solution to this format problem? Shall we use a Maven plugin for
   this automatically normalizing the source code during build time?

The build of the patch was tested under Ubuntu and Windows10.

Best regards,

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