Hi Manfred,

Last year Mark Herschberger developed a first prototype of what he called 
Multilateral, Asynchronous Bidirectional Synchronisation 
 (MABS). The prototype did work, but it did not go much farther because time 
and funding - the project is now on hold (and I’m not entirely Mark got around 
publishing all his code, I should check with him). 

As for getting additional languages, as Emmanuel said there’s a bit of work 
around selecting and preparing the content that should go on a WikiFundi 
instance. This tool was initially developed to help teach editing, and thus 
goes a bit further than just slapping a copy of Wikipedia on an offline 
Mediawiki. We certainly could prepare more than just the currently available 
French and English versions, but that’d be more labour intensive than simply 
pressing a button and would require a bit of funding (not much, but still).


> Le 11 févr. 2020 à 17:01, Manfred Gruening <manfred_gruen...@sil.org> a écrit 
> :
> Somewhere I read that wikifundi is working towards synchronizing with
> the online wikipedias. Is this something for the near future or very far
> out??? That would be REALLY exciting!
> Also, can wikifundi be used for a wikipedia / wiktionary in a newly
> setup language - or only for the few languages currently available for
> download???
> Thanks,
> Manfred
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