2010/8/13 Bastian, Waldo <waldo.bast...@intel.com>:
> My understanding was that the Online state would be initialized by a 
> component like Telepathy-ring or some sort of system management daemon to 
> ensure that the dialer is up and running and able to accept calls before the 
> Online state is entered. If ConnMan initializes the Online state, how is it 
> ensured that all required clients (Dialer, SMS, etc.) have registered already?

I'd propose the connman would delay the transition of ofono modems to
the online until the tp-ring/dialer has registered with ofono modem.
The VoiceCallManager would need some kind of
"RegisterCallHandler"method and add the list of the registered call
handlers as a property. I suppose this would concern only the
voice-centric devices.

Pekka.Pessi mail at nokia.com
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