Hi Marcel,

Marcel Holtmann wrote:
>> > Or should oFono automatically create a Connection Context?
>> >
>> > Furthermore, should oFono automatically proceed and
>> > set Active=true, bind the connection to a network interface
>> > and set network interface in state UP,
>> Definitely not. This would interfere with any other existing IP connection, 
>> say
>> WiFi.
> why would bringing an interface up interfere? We are doing this right
> now. Just the IP assignment is done by ConnMan, but the interface
> up/down status is controlled by oFono or even BlueZ in case of
> Bluetooth.

So does this imply that you think oFono should set Active=true and
and bring up the interface as soon as the Initial PDN  is avilable?

What about the ConnectionContext, should oFono automatically create a
new one if needed?

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