On 09/08/2017 02:51 AM, Clayton Craft wrote:
I've been debugging why the n900 modem is not recognized by ofono
for a few days now, and have determined that the cause is because the
calls in udevng to udev_device_get_devnode return NULL. It seems that
the nokia-modem driver does not create any device nodes under /dev.

What bus does this modem sit on? Are you running ofono _on_ the N900 or are you trying to tether the N900 to some system with ofono?

If you are tethering, what udev events do you get when you plug in the modem? Try running "udevadm monitor" and watch what happens when you plug the modem in.

Not getting a device node sounds mostly like there's a driver missing, though...


This seems to be a regression in functionality since the move to
udevng as previous versions of ofono seem to detect the n900 modem
correctly (right before this commit 3ac449e25fc8cb9880c48b8f309189c6a644f200)
This issue occurs from this commit onwards, including the latest commit
as of this mail.



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