On 23/10/18 11:26, Giacinto Cifelli wrote:
Hi Jonas

This is where I think adding a data item in udevng would be in order.
...set_int(..., "PoweredTimeout", 60)... or something like that.  It's a
device quirk, after all.  I've dealt with modems that were slow to boot,
but usually they don't present the USB interfaces until they are ready
to go.

I had in mind a plugin function that would return the timeout it needs
(to be called between .probe and .enable), something like .get_params.

Your parameter should be set in a udev rule, otherwise it would apply
to all modems connected, and so it is marginally better than the
current hardcoding.
Adding udev rules is tedious, USB devices are supposed to work 'out of
the box', without manual tweaks.

No, not in a udev rule. I was thinking of adding a line like this to setup_gemalto() in plugins/udevng.c:

if (g_strcmp0(modem->model, "xxxx"))
        ofono_modem_set_int(modem->modem, "PoweredTimeout", 60);

('model' is hexadecimal, numeric value, so you could parse it and do a switch() on it if you don't like the strcmp...)

Then query the setting in src/modem.c.

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