
                For one of the IOT project, I am using SIM7100E mini PCIe 
module. I am using connman(1.36) and ofono(1.26) to establish cellular 
connection. I am seeing that the same module is sometimes identified as gobi 
and sometimes as sim7100 by ofono.  Attached the logs for reference:

# lsusb
Bus 003 Device 008: ID 1e0e:9001 Qualcomm / Option

# /usr/lib/ofono/test/list-modems
[ /sim7100_0 ]
    Type = hardware
    Emergency = 0
    Model = SIMCOM_SIM7100E
    Serial = 866802021517042
    Interfaces = org.ofono.SmartMessaging org.ofono.PushNotification 
org.ofono.MessageManager org.ofono.NetworkRegistration 
org.ofono.ConnectionManager org.ofono.Phonebook org.ofono.CallMeter 
org.ofono.SupplementaryServices org.ofono.CallBarring org.ofono.CallSettings 
org.ofono.CallForwarding org.ofono.MessageWaiting org.ofono.AllowedAccessPoints 
org.ofono.VoiceCallManager org.ofono.SimManager
    SystemPath = 
    Manufacturer = SIMCOM INCORPORATED
    Online = 1
    Powered = 1
    Features = sms net gprs ussd sim
    Revision = 4534B06SIM7100E
    Lockdown = 0

# /usr/lib/ofono/test/list-modems
[ /gobi_0 ]
    Serial = 866802021517042
    Interfaces = org.ofono.LongTermEvolution org.ofono.SmartMessaging 
org.ofono.PushNotification org.ofono.MessageManager 
org.ofono.NetworkRegistration org.ofono.ConnectionManager 
org.ofono.SupplementaryServices org.ofono.NetworkMonitor 
org.ofono.RadioSettings org.ofono.MessageWaiting org.ofono.AllowedAccessPoints 
org.ofono.SimManager org.ofono.VoiceCallManager
    Online = 1
    Emergency = 0
    Features = sms net gprs ussd rat sim
    Revision = M9615A-CETWTBZM-6.0.15255  1  [May 13 2016 01:00:00]
    Type = hardware
    Powered = 1
    Model = SIMCOM_SIM7100E
    SystemPath = 
    Lockdown = 0

I looked into the source code of ofono. Gobi and sim7100 both are implemented 
as plugin. From the source code (plugins/udevng.c) it looks like the module 
should use sim7100 plugin. But it is not always the case for me.

{ "gobi",               "qmi_wwan"                                     },
{ "gobi",               "qcserial"                                             
{ "sim7100",        "option",             "1e0e", "9001"  },

Further if the module is identified as gobi, I am able to connect to the 
internet. If it is identified as sim7100, the module gets disconnected and 
connected again (reset) whenever I am trying to activate the context.

May I know what is the issue here and any idea on how to fix this issue will be 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Vinothkumar Eswaran

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