Hi Denis,

On 24/09/2019 22.40, Denis Kenzior wrote:
I tried implementing what you suggest - see the attached patch. But I still get "SMS not supported by this modem.".

The attached log shows quectel_post_sim() being called (line 584) way before QINISTAT returns 3 (line 686).

Is this because my SIM isn't locked, and so the ofono_sim_inserted_notify() call makes it go all the way?

I can work around it by calling ofono_sim_inserted_notify() either if the SIM is locked, or/and when qinistat returns 3.

It also happens on a locked SIM - log attached.

So in your log:

ofonod[3982107]: ../git/plugins/quectel.c:sim_watch_cb() 0x610000000d40
ofonod[3982107]: ../git/src/sim.c:sim_enter_pin_cb() Waiting for ofono_sim_initialized_notify

So we're supposed to be waiting here for a bit.  Somehow we're not or you're calling ofono_sim_initialized early.  Perhaps the default sim driver is doing this?  Check this first.

Spot on:

Patches coming up.

// Martin
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