On 08/10/2019 06.06, Denis Kenzior wrote:

On 10/7/19 1:37 PM, Martin Hundebøll wrote:
Why not do something like:


                 for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CHANNELS && !mux->shutdown; i++) {
                         int offset = i / 8;
                         int bit = i % 8;

                         if (!(mux->newdata[offset] & (1 << bit)))

                         dispatch_sources(mux->dlcs[i-1], G_IO_IN);


I'm afraid this isn't enough, as I still get use-after-free when using gatmux in the quectel plugin (see attached log).

That buffer size check is a bit dubious and should never happen in practice, it is also something that one cannot recover from if the condition does get hit.  I actually would just take it out, but you can also just check the condition right before the mux_unref and scribble it to a temporary.  i.e.

bool buffer_full = false;


for (...) {

buffer_full = !mux->shutdown && mux->buf_used == sizeof(mux->buf);

Why the "!mux->shutdown" here? I would expect that to be checked before processing the data...

// Martin
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