Hi Lars ,

I have updated ofono to 1.31 

After that also same error message I am getting . I  captured pppdump for this 
. I observe that I am not getting any response from the dongle. 

So to verify if AT commands and APN settings are proper or not I followed below 
steps using ofono & pppd .

1. list-modems (ofono-testclient)
2. enable-modem (ofono-testclient)
3. create-internet-context airtelgprs.com(ofono-testclient)
4. online-modem (ofono-testclient)
5. echo -e -n 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","airtelgprs.com"\r'  > /dev/ttyUSB0
6. echo -e -n 'AT+CGDATA="PPP",1\r'  > /dev/ttyUSB0
7. /usr/sbin/pppd ttyUSB0 115200 usepeerdns nodetach crtscts noauth passive 

With this ppp interface is up . 

I am using Huawei E392 Modem.

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