
> Not sure if I'm at the right place for these kinds of questions. Sorry if
> I'm not.
> I'm trying to automate test calls and I'm able to set up a call but not
> able to see incoming calls and reject or pick them up.
> I'm using a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with the newest raspbian 32bit lite.
> *apt list pi-bluetooth ofono pipewire python3-dbus*
> *Listing... Done*
> *ofono/stable,now 1.31-3 armhf [installed]*
> *pi-bluetooth/stable,now 0.1.19 all [installed]*
> *pipewire/stable,now 0.3.19-4 armhf [installed]*
> *python3-dbus/stable,now 1.2.16-5 armhf [installed]*
> *python /usr/share/ofono/scripts/monitor-ofono
> /hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_14_EC_29_BF* shows this for an outgoing call:
> *{VoiceCallManager} [CallAdded]
> /hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_14_EC_29_BF/voicecall01 { State = alerting,
> LineIdentification = +31622837451, Name = , Multiparty = False, RemoteHeld
> = False, RemoteMultiparty = False, Emergency = False }*
> *{VoiceCall} [/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_14_EC_29_BF/voicecall01] State
> = active*
> *{VoiceCall} [/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_14_EC_29_BF/voicecall01]
> StartTime = 2022-04-22T13:27:04+0100*
> *{VoiceCall} [/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_14_EC_29_BF/voicecall01]
> DisconnectReason remote*
> *{VoiceCall} [/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_14_EC_29_BF/voicecall01] State
> = disconnected*
> *{VoiceCallManager} [/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_14_EC_29_BF/voicecall01]
> CallRemoved*
> but stays silent for incoming calls.

ofono does not normally handle audio. What modem are you using?

Best regards,
People of Russia, stop Putin before his war on Ukraine escalates.

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