
Mark Oliva
Webmaster, the Vintyri Project (TM) 


GenCon2006: D&D Product Details and 4th Edition
Posted 2006-08-11 16:10:02 by dansivils 

 Dan Sivils Reports: We got a chance to talk to D&D Associate Brand Manager, 
Kevin Wilson and other WotC officials today on the show floor about the future 
of D&D and the rampant rumors on a 4th edition. He did confirm that there is no 
work being done in the development of a 4th edition that would force players to 
use miniatures to play the game. We also confirmed that at this time no 4th 
edition product will be in 

any Wizards of the Coast's product catalogs through 2007. This would seemingly 
put an actual product release sometime in 2008. Wizards of the Coast is working 
on all sorts of new 3.5 products that are not even on the current schedule yet 
so expect more 3.5 goodness for the next year and half. One such release is the 
Monster Gift Set which will feature all the current Monster Manuals in a gift 
pack at a reduced price. Another release which WotC would not confirm or deny 
is Monster Manual V. I have it from a good source to expect this next year. 
Kevin also mentioned that Wizards intends to utilize the history of the Brand 
more in future releases in both content and graphic treatment. 

Concerning yet unannounced products, tomorrow's Sneak Peek seminar will reveal 
a few new details. We'll be covering it live with updates via our mobile 

Purely My Speculation:
We did not get any specifics on when an announcement would be made on 4th 
edition, nor did I expect to, but I have some suspicions on how this will 
unfold based on this discussion with Kevin and the discussions in the 
Miniatures Seminar yesterday. Two days straight I have heard that Wizards of 
the Coast wants to make Winter Fantasy the premier event for all things D&D. 
Kevin stated today; "..the show currently known as Winter Fantasy will be the 
primary place to push D&D and 2007 will reveal a lot". Wizards has stated that 
Winter Fantasy is where they plan to reward D&D fans who attend with special 
sneak peeks (like this past year's preview of the Red Dragon Figure), insider 
concept pieces to get feedback on, and news on the D&D brand. 
I suspect based on this and numerous hints over the past few days that 4th 
Edition will be announced at Winter Fantasy. The release will most likely be in 
2008 based on the current catalog details we have probably at Winter Fantasy, 

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