On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 08:00:00PM -0600, Kizul Emeraldfire wrote:
>    *********************
>        And now, for the description of a very bizzare and mysterious bug I
>    ran into concerning palettes in the Sprite Editor. This is also slightly
>    related to the above Cloned Post, as the screenshots are from it.
>        Anyway, I was messing with with the sprites for the dice, and was
>    about to make the d4 when I thought * "Since I'm making the d4 yellow, I
>    don't want to make a separate palette just for it. Maybe if I took out
>    that one black color I was using for an outline, I can recolor the d6 and
>    have enough room for the five yellow colors! :D" (see FigA.bmp, attached)
>        And that's what I did (see FigB.bmp, attached). You're probably
>    wondering what's so weird here. Well, upon scrolling up from Set 1 to Set
>    0 (both using Palette 1, as shown), the palette for Set 0 changed back to
>    what it'd been BEFORE I'd modified it. Palette 1 was still modified when I
>    scrolled down to Set 1, though. Same palette. Different colors. I have no
>    idea how to report this bug, but, well * the screenshots show it. :/
>        So, I guess the question is * what the heck did I do, and how/why did
>    it do that? O.o If anyone could answer this question and/or my forum post,
>    I would be muchly thankful. :D

You are using a nightly WIP build, yes? You are probably seeing a known 
bug (which is my fault and which I am ashamed of)


If you can figure out steps to reproduce this bug consistently, it will 
help emmensely. This bug kept biting me when I was working on Plip 
Tamer, but I could never figure out exactly how to repeat it on purpose.

Bob the Hamster
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