2007-02-14 20:37:07 -0800 (Wed, 14 Feb 2007)
In the future, text will (almost certainly) be more customizable. Just laying 
out a bit of groundwork before hand for this, adding the ability for any given 
string drawn with printstr() to have embedded newlines, as well as being able 
to override the text color.

This is done via character codes 1-31 (the unused Control codes that aren't 
avaialable for text in the OHR). For example, 13 signifies a line break due to 
its nigh universal usage for such (or, is it 10 that Unix uses? I always get 
them mixed up). I arbitrarily chose 1 and 2 for text fg/bg colours.

Technically, this makes these features available to plotscripting strings, but 
to use them, you'd need to embed those characters directly into the plotscript 
file, which while doable, isn't very convenient. Or, you can use append 
ascii.... More thought on this is required.
U   wip/allmodex.bas

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