On 6/25/07, Mike Caron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_notation (which I never
> > use-- just an illustration of a similar concept)
> Hungarian notation is a bane to all of existence.
> Well, maybe it's not that bad, but my variables are usually unadorned.

I've been doing this since I started using VB and was totally unaware
that someone else thought of that idea too. Hm.

But if we're really looking for getting rid of the Dim str$ stuff,
maybe naming it strWhatever will make everyone happy? I dunno. It's
really not a big deal AFAICT, it's just the act of changing them that
will be the pain.

Keith Gable
Lead Programmer / Project Leader
The Ignition Project <http://www.ignition-project.com/>

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