On Nov 9, 2007 2:30 PM, David Gowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The attached doctest (most easily runnable with 'nosetest enemy.txt'
> (http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/), and  requiring
> PyYAML (http://pyyaml.org/)) provides a complete textual
> representation of all parts of enemy .DT1 data (and also the facility
> to translate it back into binary). I wrote it as a doctest mainly
> because that makes it really easy to find mistakes.
> Here is an example representation, taken from enemy.txt:
> appearance: {palette: default, picture: small-0}
> attacks:
>   alone: []
>   counter: []
>   desperation: []
>   regular: [3]
> bitsets: absorbsel6 entype6
> extradata:
> - [30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
> 0, 0, 0, 0,
>   0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
> - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
>   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
> name: Plip
> rewards:
>   exp: 3
>   gp: 4
>   item:
>   - {30: 50}
>   - {14: 1}
> spawn: {alone: null, death: null, elem1hit: null, elem2hit: null,
> elem3hit: null,
>   elem4hit: null, elem5hit: null, elem6hit: null, elem7hit: null,
> elem8hit: null,
>   nonelemdeath: null, nonelemhit: null, number: 0}
> stats: {acc: 50, ctr: 0, def: 3, dod: 40, hp: 25, mag: 0, mp: 0, mp~:
> 0, spd: 16,
>   str: 7, wil: 0, xhits: 0}
> stealability: once
> stealinfo:
> - {30: 40}
> - {0: 0}
> * I have a few options as to the layout of the data in YAML format.
> This is one of the more compact versions.
> * I preserve the 'unused' values, for forward-compatibility.

If you want to be truely forward compatible, you would need to take
into account the possibility of the binsize changing (and updating
binsize.bin when importing? I don't know how it will work), does it?

> * bitsets are a space-delimited string of enabled flags.
> * Item name lookups (so items can be named instead of numbered) are
> not implemented yet.
>    Reference by number will always be supported -- it's useful if you
> wish to refer to an item you'll later create.

So, would it print both the item number and name, and ignore the name
when importing? Otherwise, renamed/unnamed/identically named items
would be a problem. But that would be good. And the same for attacks,
and spawns?

> * Empty entries are removed from attack lists, so I am assuming that
> order doesn't matter for attack lists.
> * It's a bit liberal yet: Exporting to OHR binary doesn't auto-crop
> lists such as 'stealinfo' and 'rewards/item'
> (... UPDATE: Fixed.)
> * Bitset names are not finalized, I'd appreciate suggestions. Here is
> the current list of bitset names in full:
> weaktoe1 weaktoel2 weaktoel3 weaktoel4 weaktoel5 weaktoel6 weaktoel7 weaktoel8
> strongtoe1 strongtoel2 strongtoel3 strongtoel4 strongtoel5 strongtoel6
> strongtoel7 strongtoel8
> absorbse1 absorbsel2 absorbsel3 absorbsel4 absorbsel5 absorbsel6
> absorbsel7 absorbsel8
> entype1 entype2 entype3 entype4 entype5 entype6 entype7 entype8
> uu0 uu1 uu2 uu3 uu4 uu5 uu6 uu7 uu8 uu9 uu10 uu11 uu12 uu13 uu14 uu15
> uu16 uu17 uu18 uu19 uu20 uu21 harmedbycure
> mpidiot
> boss
> unescapable
> diewoboss
> fleenotdie
> untargetablebyenemies
> untargetablebyheroes
> uu22 uu23 uu24 uu25 uu26 uu27 uu28 uu29 uu30 uu31 uu32 uu33 uu34 uu35
> uu36 uu37 uu38 uu39
> I'd particularly appreciate suggestions on the first 4 sets
> (entype/etype/??? weake1/weakel1/weaktoel1/???)

etype and weakelmt ?

> If you want to run the test or fiddle with it, you should copy
> wander.dt1 into the same directory as enemy.txt
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