James Paige wrote:
On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 06:32:14PM -0400, Mike Caron wrote:
Yup, I agree with all that.

And a real biggie will be

.type (or whatever we name it)

I envision a SELECT CASE block in the slice drawing code that does different drawing behaviour for each slice.

Here are the slice display types I can think of off the top of my head.

None - for container slices like the root slice
Map layer - .num element holds layer number
Box - .num element holds style
Sprite - .num element holds... hrm... probably better to have .img AS GraphicPair element.

Actually, now that I type this, why should the slice drawing behaviour be modal? I'm not sure what benefit that holds. No reason a single slice couldn't draw both a box and a sprite. Since each of the modes needs its own meta-data, it may be better to dispense with the modes entirely, and just have the meta-data, with default values that indicate offness.


Map layer
Box style
... hrm

Boy, I love thinking while typing.

Special slice draw modes DO make since for some things, like:

Draw all NPCs
Draw all heroes
Draw a whole text box
Draw a whole custom menu

Those are all cases where re-creating a complex drawing routine is *possible* using the tree of primitive slice visuals, but for transition purposes we really want to be able to say "go run the old NPC drawing code with this x,y offet provided by a slice." or "go run the old text box drawing code with this x,y offset provided by a slice"

That functionality will be invaluable for a smooth incremental don't-bite-off-more-than-we-can-chew-all-at-once kind of transition.

I'm done for now :)
I was thinking about doing something like this:

Type Slice
 'all the stuff we previously discussed
 SliceType as integer 'type of slice
 SliceData as Any Ptr 'generic, slice specific data
 Draw as SliceDrawingFunctionPtr
End Type

Where SliceDrawingFunctionPtr is a function that knows how to interpret .SliceData

Sub DrawSlice(s as slice ptr)
  'first, draw this slice
  if s->Visible then
    'draw its children
    dim ch as slice ptr = s->FirstChild
    do while ch <> 0
      ch = ch->NextSibling
  end if
end sub

With that sub, you can draw everything without clunky Selects and such. The "differentiation" is offloaded to whoever creates the slice.

ooh. Very object orienty. I like. I guess I didn't really think about function pointers. I have never used them in FreeBasic before.

That plan sounds like the next best thing to real type inheritance.

And, when we do get real type inheritance (*pause while waiting for laughter to stop*), we can switch over to that!

To go hand-in-hand, I'm envisioning Functions like this:

Function NewRectangleSlice(parent as slice ptr) as slice ptr
  dim ret as slice ptr = NewSlice(parent)
  dim dat as RectangleData ptr = new RectangleData

  ' fill in dat

  ret->SliceType = slRectangle
  ret->SliceData = dat
  ret->Draw = @DrawRectangleSlice

  return ret
end function

Actually, thinking about it, we'd also need cleanup functions too, like .Dispose(), which is responsible for freeing the data in .SliceData. This is important, for reasons I will illustrate with outlandish examples that will never show up in practice:

DECLARE FUNCTION NewVideoStreamSlice(parent as Slice ptr) as Slice Ptr
DECLARE FUNCTION NewWebBrowserSlice(parent as Slice ptr) as Slice Ptr
DECLARE FUNCTION New3dRenderingSlice(parent as Slice ptr) as Slice Ptr

Of course. Gotta clean up what you allocate. No outlandish illustrations were necessary. Although I did enjoy them :)

Etc. I will put these concepts to digital pen and paper... after dinner.

Then eat well!

Actually, I'm a liar as much as I am a genius (not to mention egotistical!), as I am eating dinner *and* working on this at the same time.
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