On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 11:38:31PM -0400, Mike Caron wrote:
> >pkmnfrk
> >2008-10-02 19:28:33 -0700 (Thu, 02 Oct 2008)
> >130
> >More (primarily) type-suffix elimination
> >
> >I'm through most of the headers, but now I get the fun task of going 
> >through modules...
> Whelp, turns out it's impossible. Too many gosubs reference externally 
> defined variables which don't exist in -lang fb, so they have to be made 
> global, but that causes a branch-crossing warning, which means they need 
> to be subiffied, but I don't know enough about that tangled mess to try 
> and do it, so I give up for now.

Yeah, those gosubs are bad. I don't mind untangling them (I actually 
kinda enjoy it) but it takes a long time.

> Also, run-on sentence.
> Now, it seems that newer versions of FB have a "#lang" directive, so you 
> can compile individual modules with different settings. But, 
> unfortunately, the rest of the codebase is wholly incompatible with fb .20
> Sigh.

Really? I thought I got it to compile with 0.20.0 with just a few 
warnings. Maybe my memory fails me...

James Paige
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