On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 10:04 AM, <subvers...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:

> teeemcee
> 2009-03-07 07:04:11 -0800 (Sat, 07 Mar 2009)
> 1392
> Complete text rendering rewrite. Adds fonts:
> -A font can be one or two layers. The bottom layer is drawn first for the
> whole string, then the top one. This is to let shadows and effects like
> edgeprint for neighbouring characters overlap. Edgeprint now draws a string
> twice instead of 5 times.
> -Each character can be a variable width
> -Each sprite for each layer for each character can be any size, placed in
> any position relative to the character, and use 256 colours. So you can add
> huge graffiti like tails and things which extend all over the place.
> There are two fonts currently loaded for each game: the base game font, and
> the game font plus edges. To try out new font features at the moment need to
> use hardcoded fonts, modify setfont. font_loadbmps is there for this.
> The font code is incomplete, eventually it should have more support for
> palettes and colour manipulation, multiple fonts, and font effects like
> shadows and gradients.
> I also changed the way Frame masks act. 0x00 is now transparent and 0xff is
> opaque, instead of the other way around. masks are also now optional for
> transparent blitting using draw_ohr. I believe there are only two places
> where they are actually needed: enemies fading out, and scaled blitting
> (sprite_draw). Everything else could now be changed to use half as much
> memory. However, fonts are the only thing taking advantage of this at the
> moment.

Question: is this awesomeness possible without getting the source and
compiling it manually? It's just that I'm stuck with a shared computer
(mine's inaccessible at the moment), so I want to make as small an impact on
it as possible. ^^;
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