I wanted to add some more detailed options to the equipment+hero
elemental resist merging formula. But like I said earlier, we can't
hope to cover every reasonable possibility -- eventually we'll add an
option to use a script in lieu of that -- so I don't want to
overcomplicate things. So I want to see what others think first:

-Add a new formula "Average of non-100% values". Takes the average of
everything which is not exactly 100%, use 99.9% if you want to average
in 100%.

-New formula "Most significant value": use the damage from one piece
of equipment, whichever is the "greatest" in some sense. But I'm not
sure how to pick it -- whichever is further away from 100%? Isn't 20%
(1/5) damage a more significant difference change than 200%? And what
about absorb?

-Originally I wanted to add two parameters to all or most formulas to
add caps or decreasing returns on stacked damage. But it would be
cleaner to add a selectable second, independent formula for bounding
the result of the first formula, with upper bound and a lower bound
options. The 4 choices I thought up are:
*Bound, ie. max(min(result, upper), lower)
*Approach in Limit, which uses a sigmoidal function (I would piece
together one with a linear section in the middle 50% or 67% or
something like that, so that you don't get annoying results like 100%
damage actually becoming 97%
*Decreasing Returns, which above (below) the upper (lower) bound has a
steadily flattening curve such the squareroot function, but still goes
to infinity.

-Also, what about duplicating the equipment merging stuff for merging
together the percent damage due to all the different elements, which
are currently just multiplied together? Again, I suggest it due to
concerns about excessive stacking.
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