git pull is a shortcut for git fetch && git merge
origin/CURRENT_BRANCH_HERE in case you weren't aware.
On Apr 18, 2012 1:08 PM, "Mike Caron" <> wrote:

> The thing to remember about git is that it's all about branches. You
> are always on a branch, usually called master (but that varies, of
> course). So, I will use master as the branch name below.
> To update your repo, you need to do this:
> git fetch #pulls changes from "origin"
> git merge origin/master #updates working copy
> To commit changes, you just need to do this:
> git add path/to/file   #adds a file
> git add -u   #adds all changed files
> git add -a   #adds all non-ignored files
> git commit -m "your message goes here"
> (obviously, pick whatever add command is most appropriate)
> Lastly, to push your changes back to origin, just do this:
> git push origin master
> (if your branch is not up to date, you will need to refresh it as above)
> That's all you need to know to get started. However, I strongly
> suggest you learn git's branching mechanics, because they are really
> powerful and really useful. At my work, we use a branch per
> ticket/bugfix, and it works beautifully.
> Sent from my iPad
> On 2012-04-18, at 12:56 PM, James Paige <> wrote:
> > I figure if I am ever going to learn to use git, I need to learn how to
> > replicate my existing svn usgae patterns with git. I have been told many
> > times that git's functionality is a superset of svn's so this should be
> > no problem.
> >
> > My trouble is that every tutorial I can find, even the ones that are
> > supposedly intended for recent converts from svn seem to want me to jump
> > right in to gits more advanced features, and discard my old workflows.
> >
> > I would much rather first get used to using git exactly thew same way I
> > use svn, and then when I am confortable with that, I can start learning
> > the new fancy things that make git special.
> >
> > I have two different workflows for svn repositories
> >
> > 1) I have read only access, and I am not changing anything. All I want
> > to do is keep my local copy up-to-date with upstream. With svn I just
> > do:
> >
> >  svn cleanup
> >  svn update
> >
> > in a cron job, and all is happy. However, I am not clear on how to do
> > this in git. I assume it is simple, but I get confused when I search for
> > "git equivalent for svn update" and every single search result tells me
> > something different, and none of them are trying to do the uber-simple
> > case that I care about anyway.
> >
> > 2) Committing my local changes back to a remote server. This is what I
> > would want to do if I was working on the ohrrpgce using git. I know I
> > that local branches are a big deal with git, and that disconnected
> > operation without an internet connection is a big deal with git, but for
> > my purposes I want to treat a centralized repsitory on a server as the
> > master, and use it to sync any assorted workstations I might happen to
> > be sitting in front of at the moment.
> >
> > ---
> > James, Curious
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