On 8 March 2018 at 15:57, Ralph Versteegen <teeem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8 March 2018 at 08:08, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 6:34 AM, Ralph Versteegen <teeem...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 7 March 2018 at 18:32, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Ralph Versteegen <teeem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> "Must-merge" is such an emotional phrasing!
>>>> Hehe!
>>>>> The problems with the spriteset editor are:
>>>>> -you can't import or export spritesets. This is definitely a blocker.
>>>>> A number of people are not using nightlies for this reason.
>>>>> -the cursor keys are super wonky, so I need to check in my plankmenu
>>>>> arrow keys rewrite
>>>>> -it's extremely slow due to the way that default palettes are stored
>>>>> and loaded. Eg. POWERXE.RPG takes about 8 seconds to bring up the
>>>>> walkabouts menu for me. I have a branch where I replace defpal#.bin with
>>>>> rgfx
>>>>> -frame names like "hurt", "attack B" etc are missing. I have a branch
>>>>> for that too
>>>>> -the obsolete .pt# and .mxs lumps aren't deleted yet
>>>>> I also have a large collection of unrelated bug reports, but we could
>>>>> work on those after feature freeze (I should get back work on migration 
>>>>> the
>>>>> bug trackers too... was having problems installing perl modules)
>>>>> But my actual argument against going to feature freeze now is that it
>>>>> would be sad to delay such game-changing features such as animations by
>>>>> three months, when they're almost ready and we've already paid most the
>>>>> instability cost. For example, I can make walktall obsolete just by adding
>>>>> a simple prompt asking what size spriteset you want to add. (Abitrary 
>>>>> enemy
>>>>> and hero sprite sizes are enabled by a branch where I've done heaps of
>>>>> battle code cleanup and partially converted battles to slices)
>>>>> I know this is the same reason we always ended up delaying releases by
>>>>> months or even years, but in this case I think it's more like days!
>>>> Okay! I have rescheduled my alert for a secret time in the near future.
>>> I can't figure out whether it's more or less stressing to have a secret
>>> deadline!
>> Haha! (wrings hands like an evil supervillian)
>>>> Is there anything I can do to help you with all your pending stuff?
>>> Unfortunately it's hard for me to suggest anything right now; I really
>>> need to merge in what I have to avoid conflicts, and to provide APIs and
>>> examples to work with.
>>> Oh, I just remembered: there will be a problem with Test Game once you
>>> can add more frames to an existing sprite set: updating the sprite cache
>>> won't work. The solution is to always use Sprite slices in-game instead of
>>> Frame ptrs. I've converted battle sprites to slices, but I believe there
>>> were still one or two places not using slices which need converting.
>>> If you wanted to, a completely separate project would be to remove the
>>> 16-color limit. At this point I'm assuming that we aren't going to delay
>>> release for it. We have almost no code left that still assumes a Palette16
>>> has 16 colours. 95% of the remaining work is to replace the .pal lump and
>>> to update the sprite editor UI. I haven't started on either. (As part of
>>> finishing off PNG support, I'm already updating the import/export code
>>> which explicitly asks for 4-bit bmps)
>>> We could also start working through all these bugs. Here are some I've
>>> written down:
>>> -This morning Feenicks wrote: "oh yeah, tmc: I still seem to be getting
>>> the bug where pressing the 'new' button or pressing the end key to get to
>>> the end of the list sends me to attack 23"
>>> I haven't looked into it or asked what he meant. If he said so earlier,
>>> I forgot.
>> I'll see if I can get ahold of him and ask. I haven't seen anything like
>> that yet
> I asked him some questions and tried to reproduce it in various games and
> builds, and can't. I looked at the code and those symptoms seem impossible,
> which I guess means the only possible explanation is memory corruption (or
> a miscompile). Pressing the New button should go to gen(genMaxAttack), I
> don't see any other possibility unless the slice pointers are mixed up.
> *Feenick**: *Currently have 178 attacks. Still going to attack 23 when I
> try making a new attack
> *tmc**: *so you don't get the "new blank attack/copy of X" menu?
> *tmc**: *or do you get that, but afterwards it opens attack 23?
> *Feenick**: *nah, just goes straight to attack 23
> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/275093413152555018/
> 421096093137240074/beyondthedoor0006.gif
> *Feenick**: *Had the same issue with delinquent.rpg, just with another
> attack slot
> *tmc**: *what version are you using?
> *Feenick**: *2018-02-25
> *tmc**: *and this always happens regardly of how you enter the attack
> browser (eg from another menu), and the End key likewise always does the
> same?
> *Feenick**: *The end key just goes to the end of the menu
> *tmc**: *oooh
> *tmc**: *"3:42 AM] Feenick: oh yeah, tmc: I still seem to be getting the
> bug where pressing the 'new' button or pressing the end key to get to the
> end of the list sends me to attack 23"
> *tmc**: *so that was wrong?
> *Feenick**: *Maybe?
> *Feenick**: *Using the home key to get up to the top menu doesn't result
> in anything wrong.
> *tmc**: *can you still select attacks above 23 in places like the enemy
> attacks menu?
> *tmc**: *without entering the attack browser, I mean(edited)
> *Feenick**: *It's pressing left on the attack menu while on the left
> column, then going over to the new attack button, that causes the problem
> *tmc**: *oh!
> *tmc**: *but that works for me

It gets worse!


*[*3:18 AM*] **tmc**: *does it still happen fi you quit and reenter the menu
*[*3:18 AM*] **tmc**: *or quit and reenter the program?
*[*3:21 AM*] **Feenick**: *let's see
*[*3:22 AM*] **Feenick**: *Still being wonky
*[*3:23 AM*] **Feenick**: *Lemme download the newest nightly and see if
it's still an issue
*[*3:26 AM*] **Feenick**: *Still having the issue...

>>> -Foxley pointed out it's no longer possible to go from the enemy attacks
>>> menu to the attacks editor. (Confirmed)
>> This is already taken care of. When I switched to the AttackBrowser, the
>> only way to get into attack edit mode was the non-discoverable CTRL+E
>> keyboard shortcut.
>> Since then I have made it so you can right click on an attack and go to
>> the attack editor from the pop-up context menu.
> Right, I was going to amend my email to say I forgot about that.
> Unfortunately right-clicking is also hard to discover, because nothing
> else in the engine uses it.
>>> -Foxley reported a Self-target On-death attack causes the on-death
>>> attack to trigger again, looping forever (Confirmed)
>> Hmm... that sounds like something I would have done by design... but
>> perhaps the bad kind of "by design" ;)
>> I know I wanted to make it possible for an on-death-bequest attack to
>> trigger a self-targetting attack that heals the enemy and prevents the
>> death, and I know I did a lot of testing of self-targeting on-death-bequest
>> attacks that transmogrify the enemy into a different form.
>> I guess I didn't test on-death-bequest attacks that don't fall into
>> either of the above categories. I am curious what Foxley's specific
>> use-case was. I'll ask him.
> When testing it, it felt like a really blatant bug. It's actually quite a
> natural thing to want to do, to show an on-death message or perform other
> effects like setting a tag.
> Also, I think we really need three new attack bitsets: "Never triggers
> counter attacks", "Don't trigger counter attacks on miss/fail". We only
> have a bit to not trigger elemental counterattacks.
>>> -Foxley reported that F9 Reimport Scripts while in any part of the
>>> tileset editor wipes the tileset. (Confirmed) He did some really thorough
>>> testing showing that whether it permanently wipes it, or it just appears
>>> black until you reenter the menu, depends on which submenu of the tileset
>>> editor you're in. But unfortunately I didn't copy it down. Should be an
>>> easy fix.
>> Yikes! I can look at that too.
>>> -make sure James documents "current vehicle id" and "current vehicle
>>> npc" and adds them to whatsnew
>> /me pretends he didn't completely forget about those
>>> -"Reset stored target" happens after "Store Target", so if you set both
>>> bits on the same attack, Store Target does nothing. But being able to set
>>> both bits would be very useful, makes Store Target work the way you would
>>> expect it does. It's not enough to swap the order the bits take effect,
>>> because inflict() is called multiple times if there are multiple targets.
>>> Instead Reset stored target needs to happen before the first inflict() call
>> Good point!
>>> Oh, also that bit for capping negative stats Surlaw asked for; I feel
>>> bad not getting around to that.
>> I remember that one! And didn't we decide that one bitset would be good
>> enough, we didn't need a full low-end-stat-cap feature with equal
>> complexity to the upper-end stat cap feature, right?
> That's right.
>>>> ---
>>>> James
>>>>> On 7 March 2018 at 17:11, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
>>>>>> My calendar alerts went off again. How are you feeling about starting
>>>>>> Fufluns stabilization, tmc? What must-merge branches do you still have 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> it?
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> James
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